About Me

Laura Chloe Smith is a 28-year-old admin assistant who enjoys playing video games, upcycling and going to the movies. She is friendly and kind, but can also be very cowardly and a bit disloyal.

She is a Canadian Hindu who defines herself as bisexual. She started studying business studies at college but never finished the course. She is obsessed with Frozen.

Physically, Laura is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is very short with cocao skin, brown hair and brown eyes.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young.

She is currently in a relationship with Alyx Bonita Fleming. Alyx is the same age as her and works as an artist.

Laura's best friend is an admin assistant called Chanel Griffin. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Ross Marshall and Coraline Fowler. They enjoy tennis together.

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